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Arabic Calligraphy of la Ilaha Illallah, Muhammad Rasulallah (PBUH)

Arabic Calligraphy of la Ilaha Illallah, Muhammad Rasulallah (PBUH)

Regular price $45.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $45.00 USD
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A beautiful calligraphy of kalima (la~ilaha illallah Mohammad rasulallah(sm) translation:
"There is no God but Allah, Muhammad(PBUH) is the messenger of Allah" which is engraved on a rectangle shaped Melamine board. Beautifully carved with blue carving on a white color surface which can be an enchanting wall decor for any of the wall of your house.
We have more different kinds of color and Ayat of holy Quran. Grab your favorite one. This can be an eye-catching wall decor for everyone.
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